Tuesday, December 24, 2013

Mountain Dew Kickstart

Fruit Punch Kickstart
Citrus Kickstart

Regular Rockstar

Regular Rockstar
One of the most common energy drinks out there is good old Rockstar. Possibly up there with Red Bull and Monster, which frankly I don't understand because it tastes very similar to Red Bull (the taurine taste). Maybe it is because you get a bigger can with a smaller dent to your wallet compared to a Red Bull? Either way, a solid and affordable choice that is easy to find.

But Sh*t, It Was 99 Cents (Arizona Rx Energy Herbal Tonic)

Arizona Rx Energy Herbal Tonic
Has a weak kick but has a nice blend of citrus/tea and at 99 cents a can is a refreshing steal.

Monster "Coffee" Series

Toffee, Mean Bean, Vanilla Light, Irish Blend, Loca Moca, Kona Blend
The Monster series that got me into coffee this past year in college. I've given coffee chances once in a while, but it never grew on me until I picked up the "Loca Moca" Monster and thoroughly enjoyed it. A strange concept for an energy drink since both regular and iced coffee is readily available for less, but none the less interesting.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

AMP Energy Drinks




"Color Edition" Red Bulls

Silver Edition (Lime) Red Bull
Blue Edition (Blueberry) Red Bull
Red Edition (Cranberry) Red Bull
The Special/Color Edition Red Bulls came out around 2012.They are interesting in that all 3 do not taste like a regular Red Bull but have specific tastes. I found the Silver one the most interesting because it tasted like sprite but obviously had more kick to it.

Cocaine: The Energy Drink That Started It All

Cocaine [Mild Flavor]
Cocaine [Spicy Hot Flavor]
Picked up the Mild Cocaine at a sketchy gas station just off the highway back in 2011. I was never big on energy drinks before but I found the drink to work very well (states that it has as much strength as 3 Red Bulls) and found the can so amusing that I just couldn't throw it away. I've been an Energy Drink Addict and collector ever since.

Update: The Spicy Hot Cocaine I stumbled upon later and while the taste of it somehow really was "spicy hot", that caused me to not enjoy it at as much as a drink since it isn't really refreshing.